ivisa Case Study

Learn how our organic YouTube Marketing strategy helped iVisa grow their subscribers by over 700%!

Key Results

YouTube Video Views
+ 0 %
YouTube Watch Time
+ 0 %
YouTube Subscriber Growth
+ 0 %

Their Story

iVisa.com is dedicated to providing their customers with a simple, fast, and reliable way to get travel documentation for their journeys. Their online application process makes getting visas, health declarations, or passport photos a breeze, and all from the comfort of your home.

As a leading independent company in the travel documentation industry, we’re proud to be supporting our client make global travel more accessible for everyone.

Their Goal

iVisa came to our team wanting to raise awareness for their services, drive more website traffic, and to ultimately increase conversions. To do this, they wanted to start implementing an organic YouTube marketing strategy.

Their Results

Since starting our work with iVisa, we’ve helped their YouTube channel see huge organic gains in subscribers, watch time and video views. With these increases, they’ve been able to become a YouTube Partner which has created a new revenue stream for their business. They’ve also seen a big increase in organic website traffic and conversions coming from YouTube YOY.

December, 2021 - October, 2022

Graphic shows when Vireo Video came on board, and the immediate impact it had on channel results.

How we did it

Learn how we generate results for our clients.

Explore the different services we provided to make this case study possible. Questions? Reach out to us, we’d be happy to chat more.


YouTube Marketing

YouTube Content Strategy

When we started working with iVisa, they weren’t currently uploading any new video content. We started by auditing their past videos and channel, learning about what worked for them in the past. We also looked at their competitors and the market they are in. From there, we presented our YouTube Blueprint Strategy, mapping out general video topics, specific video ideas, keywords to target and more. One keyword idea we suggested was around “happiest cities in the world”, which delivered some amazing results as you’ll see in the video below.

YouTube Channel Optimization

Our channel optimization service starts with an in-depth audit. We review CTAs, graphics, playlists, video titles, descriptions, overall channel layout and more. From there, we put together a deck that highlights all of our findings, along with suggestions on what needs to be updated and how. Once the channel is optimized both visually, CTAs are in place, and proper keywording is done, the channel will perform better organically. The below is an example of a refreshed YouTube channel banner.

YouTube Video Optimization

Video optimization is key to organic growth on YouTube. With this service offering, we handle video titles, thumbnails, keywording, descriptions, playlisting, chapter creation, and so much more. We consult on every step of the process, explaining why we’re doing what we’re doing. These optimizations help the video content reach more of the right people on YouTube.

Graphic Asset Creation

Our in-house graphic designers help create and test video thumbnails to increase video CTR. We also help with video edits, channel branding, and other graphics as needed. Below are two examples of thumbnails we tested for the “happiest cities in the world” video.

Ready to get started?

Connect with a specialist to explore the strategies that will take your brand’s YouTube marketing to the next level.

YouTube Specialists helping you grow views, revenue and channel impact.

601 – 207 W Hastings St
Vancouver, BC, V6B 1H7

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